Books I've read

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Life of Pi - Yann Martel

I found this Man Booker Prize Winner for 2002 to be well written, but, given the rave reviews I received from friends, I thought that it fell a bit short. I am open to the possibility that my expectations were just too high, but still I was disappointed.

Anyway, on to the story. I really enjoyed the first part of the book where India and the philosophy of religion are discussed. I found Pi's adherence to four religions enlightening and was interested by the science discussion and how Pi was lead to his career choice.

While I found the middle of the book imaginatively written, I did think that it dragged a little too long (Sorry to all you lovers of this book!). I was interested by the alpha male play-out but was totally lost by the digestive island!

The final part of the book, after Pi's rescue, contained an interesting twist and I was grateful for that. I believe that this was a great story, but not one I will be reading again. Having said that, I would recommend that everyone at least give it a go as so many other have loved it


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